
Monday, July 26, 2010

If a tree falls in a wood with no one to hear it, will it still make a sound?

This is a pretty well known question that makes you think. In my opinon the tree would make a sound even if there is nobody to hear it. It's like the in the Big Bang. Most people think the Big Bang was silent because they think there is no sound in space. However, there is sound in space because space is not a perfect vacuum. Although it is a bigger and more perfect vacuum than we could ever make here on earth, it is not perfect because it has a thing called plasma. The Big Bang was actually very very loud , but also very very deep. So deep our human ears cannot and would not be able to hear it unless it was raised 50 octaves, which is exactly what astronomer Mark Whittle did. You can now listen to the 100 million year Big Bang in 10 seconds. But, in the 100 million years the Big Bang was happening, no one was there to hear it... Well, at least no one we know that exists right now... so when a tree falls and no one is there to hear it, why shouldn't it make a sound?

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Pounds and lbs?

I never understood why the shortened version of pounds was lbs. Like, why didn't people make it pnd, or pd, or something closer to pound?

Monday, July 19, 2010

Yes or What?

"Is this thing cool or what?"
Have you ever heard someone say something like this? How did you respond? Yes... or What? That is what is so interesting about this question. Usually you find tons of Yes or No questions, but what about yes or what questions. What if your friend asked you that question and you didn't find it cool at all. Then you would just say "what." This is how the conversation might go.

"Is this thing cool or what?"
"I said Is this thin..."
"I heard you"

So... Is this kinda interesting or what?

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Octopus?

There is suppose to be this amazing octopus that predicts the winner of the world cup games, but could it be that this octopus is actually really the cause of the winner? I think this octopus thing could all be explained by psychology. The players the octopus picks would become confident, and the other team then thinks "oh no... it is going to be so hard to win this time." and does worse. So... no offense octopus :)