
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Natually Sparkly

I never knew that in Nature there would be things like a Monarch's chrysalis. I was just looking at one and was shocked to see that there were small sparkles on the outside. As I looked at more, all of the chrysalises had sparkles on them.A light green cocoon with sparkles on it. It was beautiful. I was yet again amazed by the things Mother Nature has in store for us if we just take the time to look and observe.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Another Child Prodigy

Mark Yu, he is such a cute and awsome pianist. I love him. Just go on youtube.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Anyone really CAN make MUSIC

Really, I'm not kidding. Everybody can make music on this website:

I know it sounds like I am advertising for it, but you don't need to buy anything, I promise... or at least I didn't. But, really, on that website, anything you put would probably sound good. Once I put a smiley face, star, heart, and a peace sign and it STILL sounded good. Just try it and see for yourself.