
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Men Are Finished

I recently came across an Intelligence Squared debate named Men Are Finished. Here it is:
But, for those of you who don't have an hour and forty minutes of spare time, which I totally get, here's a quick, probably inadequate, summary. The side that says yes, men are finish pull out facts and statistics about how women are surpassing men in the quality of their work, rate of people who go to college, rates of people who get good jobs, and behavior at school. The other side argues that men are not finished. Women are just catching up to them. Although the side that states Men Are Finished did a much better job at arguing and debating (and won), I still believe that men are not finished and women are just catching up to men. I say this because although it has been proven that at least til high school girls are smarter than boys, but boys are  known to be better at math and many good jobs such as engineering, computer programming, economics, designing, architecture, etc. require good math skills. But perhaps this is only because men are "riding on the fumes of sexism".