
Monday, July 22, 2013

LoL in Olympics?!?

So... apparently League of Legends is a sport. Like actually one that could be in the olympics as soon as League of Legends. It's pretty official. It's in Forbes.

So what's your opinion?

Me? League in the Olympics?! Like what! I don't really play that many video games, but I do know quite a few people who play (or have played) League. Still, I feel like the Olympics should be kept to games where you actually... well do stuff. However, it is true that League of Legends is competitive and requires team work. Plus apparently there's already this thing called E-sports that's basically the olympics of gaming.

The thing is,
Is it sad that the definition of sports has been stretched to include computer games, and that computer games made it into the olympics before chess, or checkers, or even dance?

Or is it just sports adjusting to our time period?

Monday, July 15, 2013

Trial = Justice?

Yesterday the outcome of the George Zimmerman trial came out and he was proven not guilty of anything. Yesterday, the outcome of another, lesser known trial came out as well. This person, was convicted with 20 years in jail. The only differences were:
in one case a seventeen year old boy with skittles died and in the other no one got hurt (physically)
in one case the person being convicted was a hispanic and in the other it was a african american
in one case the person being convicted was a male and in the other it was a female

If you want to read more into the other story, then here: read it.

Anyway, George Zimmerman should not have been let off without anything. No sentence, no fine, no nothing, especially if this women got 20 years in prison. George Zimmerman killed a boy, does that mean nothing to people? And for those people who think George Zimmerman was innocent and have a good reason, then feel free to comment below.

There is still more to this post, if you would like to read more, then click here.

Friday, July 12, 2013

"What would you do if you weren't afraid"

~ Spencer Johnson M.D. in Who Moved My Cheese

Me? I don't know, I'm too afraid to say.

But honestly. When you read this quote you have to wonder what you're afraid of. Society? Failure? Your parents? Your peers? It takes courage to do what you want to do. What do you want to be? Who are you? An actor, a singer, an author? A biologist, a politician, a businessman? Maybe just someone who has an impact on the world or someone's life. Someone who wants to leave this world a better place. Whatever. Of course, not everyone can be an actor, or a biologist, or a politician. The question is have you tried despite your fears? How do you know you won't be successful? And if you are already at your dream job, aren't you glad you tried? Everyone knows, not everyone will get their dream job, but who knows?

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

"Sound is touch at a distance."

Sound is touch at a distance. When you think of it. It seems true. When your lonely you seem to want to play or sing sad music. When your happy, you want to play or sing happy music. At parties or dances they usually play loud fast moving music and then have a slow song where the mood in the room cools off a little. In the same way when your happy your voice is usually a bit higher and a bit clearer than when your sad and when you want to comfort someone your voice is usually soft low and soothing. Many people feel like they can relate to the artists writing music when they listen to songs. When I feel lonely, it makes me feel better to put on some music. It makes me feel like someone else is there. Knowing how I feel. Hugging me. Or when I'm happy it makes me feel brave to dance and to be myself when I listen to upbeat music. Like I'm not going to just suddenly start jamming to the beat when there isn't some music in my head. I don't have the support. The invisible person telling me to let go and have a good time. The invisible person holding my hand and swinging it around, holding on to my shoulders and making a train.

You can listen to the real radiolab podcast here

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Men Are Finished

I recently came across an Intelligence Squared debate named Men Are Finished. Here it is:
But, for those of you who don't have an hour and forty minutes of spare time, which I totally get, here's a quick, probably inadequate, summary. The side that says yes, men are finish pull out facts and statistics about how women are surpassing men in the quality of their work, rate of people who go to college, rates of people who get good jobs, and behavior at school. The other side argues that men are not finished. Women are just catching up to them. Although the side that states Men Are Finished did a much better job at arguing and debating (and won), I still believe that men are not finished and women are just catching up to men. I say this because although it has been proven that at least til high school girls are smarter than boys, but boys are  known to be better at math and many good jobs such as engineering, computer programming, economics, designing, architecture, etc. require good math skills. But perhaps this is only because men are "riding on the fumes of sexism".

Monday, March 12, 2012

Muscle Memory

Ever find that you can't remember a telephone number when you just try to say it, but if you have a phone in front of you, you suddenly can? Or, if you've had some code or pin number, that you could always type, but not say? That, is the wonders of muscle memory. That, is also what I just blogged about on my other blog You rely on muscle memory  a lot more than you realize. For example, when you're walking you use muscle memory. This is the reason you don't fall every few steps like you did as a toddler. I believe this is also the reason why once you learn to ride a bike, you never forget. Unless of course you suffer some sort of brain damage or develop a brain disease like Alzheimer's.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Strange Pumpkin

I came across this pumpkin while visiting my friends house one day and I was shocked by how peculiar (and cute) it was. I'm not sure if you can see it with this picture, but this pumpkin actually looks like two pumpkins that were merged together. When I asked my friend how this pumpkin became like this, he said that it was a pumpkin that was about to split apart, but got cut off the vine before it had the chance to. Pumpkins reproducing by splitting apart was so bizarre to me that I had to go Google it. I went through many websites about how to plant pumpkins and pumpkin diseases, but I couldn't find any explaining how and when a pumpkin reproduced by splitting apart. The closest I got were two pictures, this one my friend took and put on his website, and one on a website called Garden Tales, that also has many more funny deformed plants.