
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

"Sound is touch at a distance."

Sound is touch at a distance. When you think of it. It seems true. When your lonely you seem to want to play or sing sad music. When your happy, you want to play or sing happy music. At parties or dances they usually play loud fast moving music and then have a slow song where the mood in the room cools off a little. In the same way when your happy your voice is usually a bit higher and a bit clearer than when your sad and when you want to comfort someone your voice is usually soft low and soothing. Many people feel like they can relate to the artists writing music when they listen to songs. When I feel lonely, it makes me feel better to put on some music. It makes me feel like someone else is there. Knowing how I feel. Hugging me. Or when I'm happy it makes me feel brave to dance and to be myself when I listen to upbeat music. Like I'm not going to just suddenly start jamming to the beat when there isn't some music in my head. I don't have the support. The invisible person telling me to let go and have a good time. The invisible person holding my hand and swinging it around, holding on to my shoulders and making a train.

You can listen to the real radiolab podcast here

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